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LIGHT-house / VIT-i

Tue, Mar 08


SÓL Retreat Centre

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LIGHT-house / VIT-i
LIGHT-house / VIT-i

Time & Location

Mar 08, 2022, 8:00 PM – Mar 09, 2022, 10:00 PM

SÓL Retreat Centre, Skautholar 4

About the event

⚡️ ♕ ☥ ❄️ 🔔 💎 💊 🐬 🐲 LIGHT-house / VIT-i 🐲 🐬 💊💎 🔔❄️ ☥ ♕ ⚡️

Lighthouses exist for the pure purpose of showing the way, safeguarding & illuminating ☀️ and so we chose this structure to hold the first in a series of monthly future events.

In addition, the sound inside this architecture is unique in its resonance and singular clarity of vibration.

Vitar hafa þann skíra, skínandi tilgang að sýna leið, að vernda & upplýsa ☀️ þess vegna varð Vitinn fyrir valinu til þess að halda utan um þennan fyrsta af áframhaldandi mánaðarlegum viðburðum.

Umfram það er hljómburðinn inni í þessari arkitektúr einstakur í ... og einstaklega tærum víbringi.

Perhaps We - you and I, that have the capacity to House so much light, could in a frequency of SOUND waves align deeper to our Nature.

Hugsanlega getum VIÐ - þú og ég, sem höfum öll tækifæri til þess að hýsa mikið magn af ljósi, gætum í tíðni HLJÓÐ bylgjanna samhljómast dýpra inn i okkar Náttúru-lega eðli.

Scientifically Sound healing can help you clear energetic blockages and thus facilitate healing on a physical and mental level helping with:

Vísindinn hafa séð að Hljóma/Tóna heilun getur hjálpað okkur losa orkulegar ´stíflur´ og þannig virkja heilun yfir á likamlegan máta sem hjálpar við:

* Anxiety

* Chronic pain

* Sleep disorders


* Depression

* Promoting movement

* Achieving calm

* Easing muscle tension

* ADD or Inattentive ADHD

* Kvíði

* Langvarandi Sársauki

* Svefn truflanir

* Áfallastreyturöskun

* Þunglyndi

* Styrkir Hreifi mátt

* Róar

* Losar Vöðva Spennu

* ADD eða athyglissjúkt ADHD

💎..................................Everything is vibrating....................................💎

........................................Allt Titrar-Víbrar...............................................

Our energy and soul system, physicality, mentality, spirituality, sociality–all are vibrating, each element of each layer at different frequencies.

Okkar orka og sálar kerf, líkamlega, huglega, andlega, félagslega - allt víbrar/vibrar, allir þættir af hverju lagi á mismunandi rásum.

Every day we can tune in, listen and feel this symphony and its resonance, its dissonance, its harmony – within our body, mind, and soul. As we notice, as we connect with the larger abundant compassionate universe, we can make vibrational shifts that can result in us feeling better, creating more intentionally and manifesting our dreams more potently.

Á hverjum degi getum við tengt okkur inn, hlustað og fundið þessa sinfoníu og innihald af ómum,(OHM) ósamræmi, samhljóma - innra með okkar likama, huga og sálu. Þegar við tökum eftir að við tengjum við stærri/víðari allsnægtir hins samúðarfulla alheims, getum við endurskoðað okkar útgeyslun tóna sem gæti stutt okkur í meiri vellíðan, að skapa með skírari ásetningi og að raunbirta okkar drauma á kröftugri máta.

Shamanic sound healing using voices, drums, sound bowls, rattles, bells and more, envelops the body and aura in healing vibrations, in order to find equilibrium in the chakras, which are the electromagnetic energy centers/fields of the human body.

⭐️...........................The evening will consist of...............................⭐️

⏰ 🚀 Arriving at 8 pm at the hour of Eternity 😇✨ Bring a mat to sit/lie on, a blanket to wrap yourself up in and a bottle of water. Sense into the Light House and find yourself a place within the many levels of its structure. 🚆🗿

*toilets are a few steps away from the Lighthouse so water-out before settling in 😜 *

🍮 Cacao will be served when all are settled in 💛

🎢 🛸 with cacao in belly we being the Journey of SOUND 🎠 🌋 🌎

🐬 BREATH will be introduced to support your rhythm 😇

🐬 🔮 💎 We invite you to be the astronauts & children of your own adventurous nature and set your co-ordinates accordingly 🧬 ⚗️

The Journey will be a co-creation with various magicians and these will be introduced in the coming days.


Price: 4500kr

To reserve your place please make your payment on the following account:

H-O-H sf


kt. 620210-0800

In This Now as a Matter of much importance, we are invited to become Guardians of the New Earth/Mateia 🌎 returning to Rememberance beloveds * to STEP FORTH & 💎 step inside our sacred chambers & libraries of wisdom 💎

In a Co-Creation of Shamanic SOUND Frequency we may feel the personal and collective ´medicine´ that is music and tones, transported into a journey of discovery, transformation, expansion and beyond.

**********************💎 🔮 💎 🔮 💎 🔮 ********************** it perhaps time to beCOME visible? ................... BEcome accountable?..................................

......................the great accounts are being re-assessed ....................

.................................and they are in Our favour....................................

...............................favour the Way of gratitude...................................

.....................................the Way of Serenity..........................................


...................................favour the Way of Light .................................. ..

...........cast away all troubled matter in your bone of bones..............

......................................your blood of bloods....................................... UPON Sovereign WAYS...................................

...........................It is to be of command to SELF of Self.......................

.................for in the mighty ONE-Zero-ness you are untold...............

......................that are favoured with the Remembrance......................

......................................It has sought you out......................................

...........................................and here you are........................................

..........................................💙 WELCOME 💙........................................

.........listening and whilst we do sounding your own SOUL song........

..............The Remembrance is called out by sound signatures............

..........................................locks and keys.............................................

..........................................keys and locks.............................................

...............find – locate that which in you wants to be un-locked..........

......................,.................. the time is NOW..........................................

.................................................FEEING IT.............................................

...........................................And there Breath....................................….

.........................................and always SOUND......................................

Your primary facilitator Ýra (linda) - Huna Ka Ha To Ri, is passionate about the nature of Creation. Born in Iceland but lived in London/UK for 25 yrs from an early age. Formerly a Production Designer within the Film industry she spent over 20yrs exploring how storytelling, creating worlds within worlds could inspire humanity. Within the last 10 yrs her focus has been running SÓL Setur - a Soul Centre, dedicated to expanding/exploring the human experience through Ceremony, Play, Art, Dance, Music/Sound, Healing... all within the context of living as a Community. She is a certified Shamanic Light Healer from a branch of The Four Winds/ The Mahela Medicine Wheel, a Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator from Venus Rising- Association for Transformation and a student in the ways of Plant Medicine and Sound for the past 8 yrs.

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